Phenomenal Women
10:53 a.m.
I am being featured at Phenomenal Women this week. If you have seen this new site check it out. The goal is to feature women's diarys that are personal, real and from the heart. They are looking for content, character, and strength. This feature diary is for women only, so that means no teenagers. Sorry, girls. You can submit your diary for submission by going to the Rules & Regs page. You can submit by email or by joining the diaryring. This site is the work of HarlieSkye, Alternamommy and yours truly. We really want to do something special with this diaryring. So check it out. :) It is very much so a work in progress but still check it out and be sure to check back as we continue to make changes and improve the site.
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23