Rings I Belong To & WhyJesus-Freaks: I LOVE Jesus. I am thankful for my salvation and want to continually strive to love people as Jesus loved me. Bad Ass Mommas Diaryring: Heck yea!
The Preggo Diaryring: Cause I am FINALLY pregnant! Praise GOD!!!
I Wanna Be a Mom: My desires are simple: To serve God first and foremost and to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. Secondly I want to be a wife and mother. Therefore this ring is for all of us who want to be moms.
Phenomenal Women Diaryring:I am phenomenal. I am strong and I am a survivor. I believe in love and compassion and in helping those who can't help themselves. To me that's pretty phenomenal in this day and age.
We Are Strong Diaryring: Because I am. I have been through hell and back and survived. I plan to keep surving through depression, hangups I have about previous abuse and more. I am a survivor. I am a strong woman.
Texas Diaryring: Cause I'm a born and raised Texan! 'Nuff said ya'll! :)
Conservative Diaryring:Am I conseverative? For the most part yes. Do I always vote republican? No. Do I believe in talking down to people for their viewpoints? No. Am I ultra conservative? No. But I am a Christian with conservative viewpoints in some areas. I am proud to say I am prolife and a staunch supporter of George W. Bush.
Christian Diaryring: Simply put I am a Christian who believes that Jesus died for me. For me, my life is about serving God and trying to survive. Without him I couldn't survive.
Reviews-90 Diaryring: Here's my review!
Several Pet Diaryrings: I LOVE my furbabies - pure and simple. They're my babies.
Trading Spaces Diarying: I LOVE Trading Spaces. I watch it constantly! I LOVE Vern and Laurie the most and Gen most of the time, but would probably freak if Hildy or Doug touched my house!
Yoda Diaryring: Cause he's the ULTIMATE Jedi!
Not-So-Evil-Step-Parents: Cause Korie is wonderful and I know she loves me!
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11
Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18
July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04
Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30
Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23