Journal Jar - My Grandparents
1:36 p.m.
OK - I have found something cool to help with journal entries when I just don't want to voice (sometimes it takes me a bit) what I am really thinking about but I need to enter something. The Journal Jar! Cool huh? The site gives lots of sample ideas too! :) ***My First Journal Jar Entry***Did you have a close relationship with your grandparents? Yes. My Papa was kinda a surrogate dad. He was wonderful. He loved me no matter what. Even when I was totally unlovable he was there for me. He helped me numerous times. He called me Mitchell and loved to tease me cause when I was soon out of highschool I started dressing in wildish outlandish clothes. So he would call me Gypsy. He would tell Nannie - there's the Gypsy! He especially like my bangles that I wore up and down my arms! Papa got sick and died in 1990. It was horrible. :( I miss him SO much even now. Sometimes I just laugh and think about what Papa would think of something. Of course that always makes me cry. When I started college I didn't have a car. It was a local college but I was gonna live in the dorms. So he took me outside and said he found transportation for me - a bicycle. I thought he was SO serious!!! LOL. He wasn't. And there was a car on the other side of the house. And Nannie - well she's my Nan! She's very loud and opinionated. That must be where I get it from!!! LOL. She's a blast. The thing I remember most about Nan when I was young was when we were being punished by my stepdad. He would make us stand in front of the fireplace literally for hours and we couldn't move or bend or lean against the wall. It was horrid. Occasionally if we had been there for a while I would ask to go to the restroom and he would say yes and I would sneak to the phone in my room and call Nannie and tell her to come save us! She lived next door and a bit later (so as not to be obvious) she would come over and as soon as the stepfather would see her coming up the walk we could sit down! Nannie to the rescue!!! LOL. Nannie is still alive and I don't spend near as much time with her as I should. But I am going too!
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23