Starting IVF
9:28 a.m.
I just got a call from my IVF coordinator. I am starting BCP's today, lupron on December 31st and will possibly have my retrieval the week of January 21st and my transfer 3-5 days after the retrieval. Probably 5 days depending on the quality of the embryos.OK - I admit it. I am scared. Scared doesn't even really begin to explain how I feel. I know that sounds weird but I am getting down to the wire here. If this doesn't work that may be it for TTC for us. It's somewhat overwhelming to think that this might be it. For those of you reading who don't know what IVF is, check out this link to find out more about what I will be going through. I have read that the worst will be the lupron which tends to give bad headaches. I am already used to the side-effects of the fertility drugs even though it will be magnified since I will be doing so much. OK I gotta take a deep breath here and get it together. Time for an R & R. Breathe...Relax...Breathe
Jeremiah 29:11-14 - "For I know the plans (thoughts) I have for you says the Lord, plans to give you a hope and a future not of evil. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Then you will call upon me and pray to me and I will hear you. And you shall seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Psalms 113:9 - "He maketh the barren woman to keep house be a joyful mother of children." OK all you bible scholars those scriptures are from memory so they may be slightly off. For those of you that pray, I ask for your prayers.
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23