I Need Help Off The Floor
4:37 p.m.
Well ladies...I am pregnant. I am BEYOND shocked. As you know I found out I was diabetic in Feb. Since then I have been taking glucophage and eliminated sugar and white flour products from my diet and lowered my cholesterol intake. I've lost around 60 pounds. When I saw the ob in mid September he laughed and said - I wouldn't be shocked if you found youself pregnant in the next few months! I joked and said yea right. But in the back of mind I've ALWAYS hoped since I have been ovulating well. So then the big issue is the hostile CM and from what I've read PH/acidic levels can change, blah blah blah. See how I am trying to figure out how this happened? Well my first day of the last cycle was September 1. If I get to CD 32 I take provera to bring AF. Well this time I felt my cervix and it was SO high and closed I wondered what if? Which I felt was stupid at the time cause we only BD'ed CD 10 and 11. I didn't even think I O'ed this month (usually I can feel it). But I took a HPT yesterday and this morning and they were blaringly positive. So I had a beta drawn this morning and my level is over 4000. We're still waiting on my progesterone levels to come back and he wants me to have an U/S next week on Thursday. I am beyond happy! In a perfect world I could lose more weight and decide when I get pregnant but since the latter has NEVER been my choice I am ecstatic! :) I will be 37 in February and Salem will be almost three when the baby is born. So that's pretty perfect! I am a little nervous. I had a pretty scary pregnancy with Salem. I know the circumstances are TOTALLY different. No IVF or multiple gestations but still. I would really appreciate your prayers!!! WOW! I know I am rambling but I am more speechless than I sound. IRL I am pretty speechless! Brian is ecstatic! Thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus Thank you Jesus!!!
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23