100 Things About Me
5:03 p.m.
100 Things About MeWe did this on a pregnancy board I post at. Since I had nothing else to say...I added it here! :) 1.My full name is Leah Michelle H. 2.I am the oldest 3.I can be bossy 4.This is my 2nd pregnancy - I mc'ed in 92 5.I am having twins and have an 11 year old stepdaughter 6.I have been married 4 years 7.My DH is the love of my love 8.Along with my three furbabies, Zoe, Luci and Cali 9.I am in my 15th week and meassuring one week ahead 10. I was right under 195 before I got pregnant 11. My weight doesn�t bother me right now 12. It will when the baby arrives 13. So I am going to do something about it - Weight Watchers while nursing 14. My husband is 3 years younger than me 15. He is a chef 16. He treats me like he adores me 17. I am his 2nd wife 18. We are christians 19. And have been for 7 & 6 years respectively 20. He is about to graduate college 21. I lost a triplet in this pregnancy 22. His daughter is spoiled by her mom but deals well when she's with us 23. I hope she grows out of it 24. She lives with her mom 25. I have been with my husband for 7 years 26. We are SO in love 27. He is my best friend 28. I am his lover friend and confidant 29. We have the house of our dreams 30. I HATE infertility 31.Upon my death, I will be cremated 32. I have a degree in computer programming 33. But I do help desk technical support and email/network administration 34. I�m very analytical 35. I like to scrapbook 36. I am going to be a SAHM 37. I will need to find an income from home 38. I have had 4 u/s with this pregnancy 39. I can't wait til we find the sexes out 40. Sometimes I still can't believe I am pregnant 41. I drive a Mits Galant 42. I have 3 cats 43. My mom had 2 mc's 44. I have 1 brother and 1 sister, Brian has an adopted brother and sister and 2 stepbrothers and 1 stepsister 45. I have 2 sisters (1 real, deceased & 1 step) 46. I don�t know my real father 47. He disappeared 48. He was declared legally dead when I was around 11 49. I always missed having a dad 50. Even though I was told he was a horrible man 51. I get angry and frustrated quick but get over it quick 52. I have very sensitive feelings but don't always show it 53. I collect lambs and snowmen (way before it was trendy to collect snowmen) 54. I LOVE Star Wars 55. Can't wait for the new one 56. I LOVE my job but can't wait to be a SAHM 57. I can't wait to nurse 58.I live in Texas 59.I am scared of storms, being alone and keeping my windows and doors unlocked 60.I often dream but never remember them 61.I used to have nightmares 62.I haven't had on in 3 years 63.I want to have a boy and a girl! 64.I can't wait til I can get in the pool 65. In the meantime I will stay on line 66.Everyone tells me they think I am having 2 boys 67.I don't care! It took so long I am just happy to be pregnant 68.I am scared I won't be able to handle twins 69.I believe in God and Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of my life 70.I go to church 71.My husband is a youth pastor 72.I help him occasionally 73.I have issues about my childhood that I continually work through 74.I used to cry all the time but now I do better! 75.I used to suffer from situational depression - major episodes 76.We are decorating the nursery 77.It will be so cute 78.We did IVF 79.I LOVE my Re's 80.I LOVE plants 81.I want to homeschool for a few years 82.I want to cloth dipe but not sure DH will go for it 83.I don't want to circumcise 84.I LOVE Friends and ER 85.I am addicted to the internet and movies 86.I love to watch movies 87.The last new movie I saw was Panic Room 88.I need to make amends with my ex-dh 89.Sometimes I just want to go to sleep and forget it all 90.I don�t like strangers to hug or touch me 91.I LOVE looking at my husband when he's not watching 92.I wish for his and her sake my stepdaughter lived here 93.I am glad I am finally at peace and happy in my life in general 94.I love spicy mexican food 95.I don't watch soaps 96.I am a doer for the most part 97.I love my tulips world board 98.I LOVE the friends I have made online. I don't have many IRL 99.I will be slender one day 100.I am a pisces but could care less about astrology
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23