A HUGE Update
10:49 p.m.
APOLOGETIC DISCLAIMER: I PROMISE to update the Jesus-Freak diaryring tomorrow! Sorry if you've been waiting!
Salem is really comical lately. Very flirty and trying to keep your attention. And SO coy. When dad comes home she laughs (or yells whichever works) to get his attention and when he looks at her she smiles and ducks her head. It's too funny! We had her pics taken Sat and she cried everytime it flashed! The pics are in her May - June photo album. She's pulling hair recently. And my earrings. UGH! I have to be quick. She managed to yank Brian's NEW glasses off last night. ACK! And she still won't eat a lot of solids. I figure they are our way of filling her up so she doesn't get up at night but I can't seem to keep her interested in solids except on a here and there basis. Have I ever mentioned she loves The Wiggles? It's so funny! I think it's Captain Feathersword whom she really loves. I joined Flylady and it's helping. I joined back in November but got easily overwhelmed and unsubbed. But I am back now and it really is helping me get a control on my days. Well our last day at church this past Sunday was pretty anti-climatic. I guess that is better considering our pastor was pretty upset with Brian. Brian's really excited about the new ministry. This is a different type of ministry. It's basically 2 ministries - one which is street based and works with homeless, aftercare, drug addicts the poor etc. There is a medical RV that provides medical services to the homeless, they do Mission Thanksgiving where they have a HUGE tent and provide a revival and Thanksgiving meal to the homeless and poor and lotsa stuff like that. And then there is the church. So a lot of people that get saved in the first ministry come to the church. It's kinda exciting. We both have a background (especially Brian) which will him minister in this area. It's definitely a God thing. Oh and Mia I haven't forgotten the pic of Salem in her dipe. Brian left the camera at a friends and I haven't gone to get it yet! Sorry!
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23