Update 1/19/2005
10:55 a.m.
Ugh what a busy week. We are a part of a professional organization that is sponsoring a Bridal Faire this weekend so I have SO much to do and Brian keeps asking me to do stuff for him. Hello can you tell I am busy?Salem is so funny! All day yesterday when she left the room I was in she would come and give me a kiss and say bye! And then run off! Too funny! I posted a pregnancy update in the journal! I did get my U/S date but it's not til the 31st. I ws SO bummed out! :( But it's with the maternal fetal specialist so I shouldn't complain! So hopefully on the 31st (I will be 21w5d) the baby won't be shy! :) Oh and the Dr. said I could go to Las Vegas at 30 weeks barring any complications! I am SO excited. I am going with 20 ladies from my private IVF group. It will be a blast. I've met a couple of them but we've all been together since 2001 with IVF and then pregnancy etc. So I am excited. It's my first girls weekend since Salem was born! I want to take her but it's impractical to take her to Las Vegas plus it's just 2 1/2 days really! She'll have a great time with dad. I am just glad it is before the new baby is here. I wouldn't be going with an infant nursing. Wouldn't even consider it. Hmmm...What else? Brian leaves for Brazil on the 2nd. Other than that I've just been scrapbooking and trying to stay caught up on housework. I am SO tired lately. I am usually a night owl but everyday this week I've been in bed by 10 except last night. Oh I think I also like the name Taya for a girl - pronounced Ta (long A) uh! BTW Salem is much better. Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. She had a low grade fever for 2 days but was back to her normal self without any major issues.
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23