Mind & Body Part III
10:19 p.m.
Seeing My Problems As BlessingsAFFIRMATION: Every life has periods and situations of great difficulty that call on our spirit. I can take my unwanted sufferings, the sorrows of my life and the struggles within and use them for nourishment of patience and compassion and of courage and strength. As a place to discover greater freedom. Grant that I may be given no more than I can handle according to the holy inspired word of God. I can't always change my outside world or my circumstance, but I can change how I relate to it, see it, approach it and deal with it. Questions to ask myself the next few days: 1. How have I treated this difficulty thus far? 2. How have I suffered by my own response and reaction to it? 3. What suffering is unavoidable and what can I change? 4. What do I need to let go of? 5. What great lesson might this problem teach me? 6. What is the value hidden in this situation? The past three weeks in my M & B routine have been sporadic. Sometimes I do really well and sometimes I don't. I am eating somewhat better. I have switched back to diet sodas (just an occasional one as a treat). I do have a yoga tape that I plan to use, I am using candles to give my home and office a welcoming scent, I am doing R&R's at the chiros and do minis several times a day. I am journalling and looking for more ways to relax. What am I not doing? My R&R's on a daily basis. I HAVE to work on this and exercising and more journalling. Behavior Modification ExercisesThings to do: 1. Count my blessings at the stop light or do a mini. Notice the sky. Sing a praise song. Laugh. 2. While standing in a long line - read a gossip magazine and laugh. Remember some naughy sex tips from Cosmo. 3. Make a hot date with Brian. Neither one of us wear a watch. 4. Get a manicure and pedicure. 5. Get a massage. 6. Write a letter instead of an email (this would be hard). Decorate the letter and envelope with colored pencils. 7. Read instead of surfing at least a couple of hours a week. 8. Bring a picnic lunch to work and eat it at the pond while feeding the ducks. 9. Soak in a hot tub with lots of bubbles and candles and my Yanni CD. Things not to do: 1. Don't take my temperature or check for cm or cp. 2. Don't schedule sex or be too busy for a date night with Brian. 3. No more IF/IVF research. 4. Spend time on the net on some non-related IF sites.
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23