Jesus-Freak Diaryring
4:41 p.m.
Jesus-Freak Diaryring"What will people say when they hear that I'm a Jesus Freak? What will people do when they find out it's true? I don't really care if they label me a Jesus Freak..cause there ain't no denying the truth." This is what it's all about. A ring for people who are in love with Jesus Christ and thankful for the salvation only He brings. Thank you Jesus for saving me, cleansing me and making me whole. For loving me when I was totally unlovable. For teaching me to love people unconditionally and not to be judgemental. For simply being there for me always, I thank you. This ring is by approval. Diaries will be viewed. I plan to be careful and look for signs that those requesting admission to the ring are Christians and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he was crucified and rose again on the 3rd and that salvation alone comes through a saving belief in Jesus Christ. This ring isn't just for anyone. It's not for agnostics or athesists. I am not questioning your faith, but if you're denied it's because something in your diary made me think twice. Locked diaries and those that haven't had recent entires will not be accepted as I won't be able to know anything about you. Be sure to add the HTML snippet after you're approved or you may be removed. Also - sometimes it takes me a few days to get to your diary to read. So be patience please. Click here to sign up for this ring!
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23