IwannaBeamom Diaryring
11:47 p.m.
IwannaBeamom Diaryring
My desires in life are really quite simple. To serve God and make and make an impact for his kingdom and to be a wife and mother. I have been blessed with a wonderful man, a godly husband. But trying to conceive and subsequent infertility treatments have taken up a large portion of my life and left me wanting and searching for answers to unanswerable questions. Without the strength and knowledge I have learned from others who are trying to conceive I don't think I would have made it thus far. Thus I decided to create this ring. This ring is for all of us who want to be moms. Whether you are trying to conceive your first child or are trying to expand an existing family...for those who wanna be moms but aren't actively trying to conceive...for those just starting out with their ttc efforts...and for those who are going through infertility treatments....this ring is for all of us. Please feel free to join. At this point everyone is welcome to join. I retain the right to change that or delete anyone at anytime. I hope to get to know other ttcer's (those trying to conceive) soon. Click here to join the IwannaBeamom Diaryring.
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23