Me - A Homemaker!!!
11:31 a.m.
Salem is constantly scooching on her tummy but still backwards. The other day we were sitting by the tv and she scooted backward about 4-5 feet and couldn't figure out how to get back to me. She fussed for a minute and then managed to turn herself around facing the other direction and scooch back to me! What a little problem solver.She's still not eating a ton but I don't stress near as much. She LOVES apple slices. And we're going to try whole green beans today. She seems to like stuff she can hold so we're going to go that direction. And she got in the pool for the first time yesterday. She LOVED it. But the water is pretty warm since it's so hot here. She didn't like her float AT ALL so I held her and she kicked her feet and slapped the water with her hands. I am writing my letter of resignation today! Yippee. I will proof it at home and then turn it in tomorrow. My last day of work will be June 27th. I am nervous money wise but I am pretty frugal. We will make it!!!! I am SO excited. I can't wait to be with Salem fulltime. We also have a new kitty named Max! She's adorable. There are new pics of her and Salem in the photo albums! What else is new? Hmmm. I have managed to complete 2 layouts. The first one I plan to change the frame around the journal. The first page is a pic of the embryos we transferred and my pregnancy test. The second is a poem about babies inside and a pic of the U/S that showed the twins and the third sac way up in the corner. I finished it tonight but it seems undone. I have some thin lavender ribbon that I was thinking of making into a bow to go over the envelope holding the U/S. I've been trying to work on a memorial page but it's been hard to do. I've started over 5 times. Plus the anniversary of the baby's death is coming up so maybe that's why. So I put it aside and started my pregnancy photo page and after that we will begin with the shower and then the birth. I will come back to the memorial page later. And that's about it. I talked Brian into doing Merry Maids to help me with the Spring Cleaning that I haven't done since last year on bedrest. They are coming tomorrow. I can't wait!!! Then I will be able to set a routine and stay caught up. My evening routine is pretty established. I wait til Brian takes Salem to bed and then I do dishes, wash my diapers, make bottles, make Brian's gallon of gaterade, and misc stuff and then go upstairs and give Salem her medicine and go to bed. ACK just thinking of being home all day, cleaning and being a it makes me smile!
October 11, 2006 - 2006-10-11 Back from Vacation - 2006-07-18 July 3, 2006 - 2006-07-04 Parenting is Hard - 2006-06-30 Update June 23, 2006 - 2006-06-23