How very softly you tiptoed into our world.Almost silently, only a moment you stayed.
But what an imprint your footprints have left upon our hearts.
As your parents we will never sign school papers or see your name on pictures that decorate our refrigerator.
But your little footprints have placed a signature on our hearts like no other ever will.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~A Baby's Secret by J. C. BrumfieldI'm just a little feller
Who didn't quite make it there
I went straight to be with Jesus
But I'm waiting for you here.
Don't you fret about me Mommy
I'm of all God's lambs most blest
I'd have loved to stay there with you
But the Shepherd knows what's best.
Many dwelling here where I live
Waited years to enter in
Struggled through a world of sorrow
And their lives were marred with sin
So sweet Mommy don't you sorrow
Wipe those tears and chase the gloom
I went straight to Jesus' bosom
From my lovely mother's womb.
Thank you for the life you gave me
It was brief, but don't complain
I have all of heaven's glory
Suffered none of earthling's pain.
I'll be waiting for you Mommy
You and Daddy, and the rest
I'll be with you here forever
In this land of perfect rest.